Standard fare.

This was our first taste of Zo's homemade ponzu which I liked at first. BHD was a big fan of it, but after a while I found it a tad too sweet for my liking. The oyster was lovely.
Lazy Bear
3416 19th St
San Francisco, CA 94110
There are very few times I hand over the reigns to food planning. Most people are not interested in dedicating the time to figure out what's good to eat. Triple F is not that person. She keeps her ear to the ground. She subscribes to foodie newsletters just like I do. She has been tracking Lazy Bear since its days as a pop-up. They are now so successful and popular, that a ticket, at their now brick and mortar establishment, can be pretty hard to come by. It's no exaggeration that this place is $$$$, but it was well worth it. BEST MEAL OF 2015!
The set up is interesting. They have 2 seatings for the night. You arrive for your dinner service and pass the time upstairs noshing on little bites and sipping on drinks/cocktails, while overlooking the dining room below. It's like a pre dinner cocktail hour. The punch we were served wasn't terribly memorable. It was light on the alcohol. The little appetizers were a great way to start.